Let’s see where you’re at now at 15 weeks pregnant.
Baby’s Size
I know that many mothers don’t like to compare their unborn babies to fruit or vegetables, but it is a nice way to get an idea of the size at each week. So at 15 weeks pregnant your baby is about the size of an apple.
His legs are now longer than his arms and he isn’t as curled up as he was before. He is beginning to stretch those little limbs.
Baby’s Movement
Baby is moving just nicely now. His little brain is in control of his bodily functions and movement. However, although he is moving, you feel him ’till a few weeks time.
Your Energy Levels
After so many weeks of feeling like you can’t keep your eyes open and that you just want to lay down, you should be starting to feel small bursts of energy. Preserve these and don’t do too much yet.
Your Body Shape
Yes, that little bump is a baby. This will show differently on each woman, but we are sure your clothing will tell you soon enough. You may find certain jeans and pants will feel a little tighter around the middle. Look out for those stretchy bands that you can wear over your stomach, with your pants undone, to keep them up. Super useful as you grow. Your breasts will start to enlarge as well and feel a bit tender. Absolutely normal. Go in search of some stretchy lycra bras for added comfort.
Your Skin
You may have developed some pimples and blemishes over the past few weeks. Well, don’t worry that should clear up and a nice healthy, shiny glow will be forthcoming. (about time, you cry).
Your Emotions
Baby is starting to feel a little more real by this stage. Whether you told yourself you were not going to be that goo-ga-ga sort of mother, you may find yourself lost in dreamy wonder at the miracle growing inside you. Your hormones are still raging and will do so for a long time still, so that feeling of wanting to cry often may still be there.
Your Health and Exercise
Keep doing whatever you have been doing whether it be walking, yoga, stretching or if you’re a fitness bunny, your aerobics and running. With your energy levels building up nicely, you may find you will be more amped to get out there and sweaty. Just watch your temperature and don’t get too hot. Don’t forget to take your prenatal vitamins issued by your doctor.
Water is key, not only to keep you cool and hydrated, but to ensure your bowel movements are regular. With baby bump starting to take up space in your body, the other organs get a little squashed and things don’t run as normal as they would. Cranberry juice is perfect to get the tummy going, or any berry type of fruit. Just don’t overdo the eating either. 15 weeks pregnant is about a third of the way there and heading into your 2nd trimester. Exciting times!